The federal government has made a $1 billion commitment to reserve land for a future rail line that could one day link Western Sydney Airport with growing regions of south-west Sydney.The future rail link would go between Leppington and Macarthur, and Bradfield, the Prime Minister announced this morning at a summit at Warwick Farm in Sydney's west."We don't want residents of Sydney's south-west to have to rely on buses to get to the airport," Albanese said.
The federal government has made a $1 billion commitment reserve land for a future rail line that could one day link Western Sydney Airport with growing regions of southwest Sydney. (Western Sydney Airport)"We want them to have fast, frequent rail access, and our investment today will help deliver that."Business advocates in western Sydney have endorsed the plan, but warn that seeing a fully developed rail line would eventually require much more investment."It's great the starter's gun is now fired in support of South West Sydney rail infrastructure"Along with the enormous growth in the North West, South West Sydney is a region whose population will soar to 1 million people within 15 years," Business Western Sydney Executive Director David Borger said. The most nerve-jangling airports for pilots in the worldView Gallery"Connections to the new airport and jobs centre at Bradfield are desperately needed.""A billion dollars is not enough, but it's a start."The timeline for the new rail-corridor project will have to be worked out with the NSW state government.The new rail ink could either be a metro or Sydney trains expansion.Construction on the proposed extensions would be years away, the state government is currently under pressure to deliver three new metro projects.The Sydenham to Bankstown extension is already delayed, and there's a real very chance that the Western Sydney airport line will be too."We've got a massive job ahead of us delivering what we've promised and that's got to be our focus," Minns said.